The ISEC2014 delegates! Almost 350 attendees, approx 220 talks and 55 posters from more than 30 different countries. Thanks to you all for an awesome conference! See you in 2016 in Canada :)

The International Statistical Ecology Conference 2014, was held in Montpellier (France) the 1-4 July 2014. Pre-conference workshops took place 28 June - 30 June.
Student competition results
- Ben Swallow, Univ. of St. Andrews
- Allan Clark, Univ. of Cape Town
- Théophile Lohier, IRSTEA – Aubière
Commendation (unordered)
- Dorine Jansen, Univ. of Cape Town
- Guillaume Lagarrigues IRSTEA--Grenoble
- Enrico Pirotta, Univ. of Aberdeen
- Catherine Horswill, Univ. of Glasgow/British Antarctic Survey
- Jaime Ashander, Univ. of California-Davis
This conference convened experts from around the world to present and discuss issues of interest to ecological statisticians and biologists. We held sessions focused upon mark-recapture methods, distance sampling methods, other abundance estimation techniques, monitoring of biodiversity, survey design and analysis for estimating population trends, modelling of spatial trends in animal density, integrated population modelling, stochastic population dynamics modelling, stochastic multispecies modelling, individual-based model fitting, and stochastic modelling of animal movement.
Invited speakers (read more)
Marti Anderson (New Zealand). Some solutions to the Behrens-Fisher problem for multivariate ecological data.
Mark Beaumont (UK). Statistical inference for complicated models in ecology and evolutionary biology.
Ben Bolker (Canada). Statistical machismo vs common sense: when are new methods worthwhile?
Nicholas Gotelli (USA). The well-tempered assemblage: reducing bias in the estimation of species rank abundance distributions.
Jean-Dominique Lebreton (France). The interplay of relevance and generalization in Biostatistics.
Perry de Valpine (USA). Bayesians, frequentists, and pragmatists: the interaction of methods and software.
Chris Wikle (USA). Ecological prediction with high-frequency 'Big Data' covariates.
Simon Wood (UK). Statistical methods for non-linear ecological dynamic models.
Invited sessions
Movement ecology: Juan Manuel Morales and Nicolas Bez
Indicators & measures of biodiversity: Sandrine Pavoine and Carlo Ricotta
Species distribution models: Wilfried Thuiller and Bob Dorazio
Workshops (read more)
Introduction to hierarchical Bayesian modelling using WinBUGS (E. Parent and E. Rivot)
Multivariate statistics (S. Dray)
ADMB (H. Skaug, M. Brooks and A. Nielsen)
INLA (J. Illian and H. Rue)
Spatially-explicit capture-recapture models (M. Efford and D. Borchers)