Presenter information

ISEC 2014 ‐ presenter information


Please remember that the contributed session talks are 12 minutes in length.  If you are giving a talk in an invited session, the talk length has been described to you by your session chair.  There will be two minutes for questions and a one-minute change-over. We have >200 contributed talks divided among three parallel sessions, so it will be important for the speakers to keep to time.

Please send your talks (in either PDF or PowerPoint pptx format (with pdf as a backup)) to In the subject line of your email, please include the presenter's last name and the session in which you are speaking. The name of your session, e.g. "E3-Distance sampling", should appear in the email you received on May the 29th. Alternatively, visit the conference program and expand each day (clicking on the small (+) to the right of each day, and search for your name and title).

Please send your talk before you begin your travels so the local organising committee can get your talk in the proper location for you to present it.


Please produce a poster no larger than A0: height 1.2m, length 0.8m. We ask that you display your poster when you arrive on Tuesday, and the posters are to remain on display through the conclusion of the conference on Friday.  The poster session during which time you are to attend your poster to answer questions is Wednesday evening 1800-1930 prior to the conference banquet.

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